Emily Kemp
Emily Kemp looks after admissions for LVS Oxford, as well as being the EHCP Co-ordinator, and is very much part of the school community.
“LVS Oxford is a great place to work. Everyone is very supportive of one another,” says Emily, a graduate in Business Management, who joined the school direct from university, having completed an internship with the Licensed Trade Charity in Ascot.
With a sister with autism and as someone who is diagnosed with ADHD herself, Emily is particularly impressed by the way the school treats students and staff alike, enabling everyone to progress and gain new qualifications and experiences.
“LVS Oxford is a great place to work. Everyone is very supportive of one another.”
“People’s wellbeing and health is important and for us, as members of the staff, we are also given time to come together – from our team breakfasts to our Christmas quiz,” says Emily.
“The school is also very good at making connections. We work with Blenheim Palace, which is nearby, and Soho Farmhouse, a members’ club and hotel, as well as other businesses locally. These provide unique opportunities for our students, including work experience. Also, we are lucky that our location, surrounded by beautiful countryside, provides the perfect environment for our students to learn about independent travel. Not being in a busy town, our pupils can be safety taught how to take the local buses, which helps them get used to using public transport in the least stressful environment possible.”
Emily continues: “Learning for Life is a key part of the curriculum here at LVS Oxford. Our Years 7, 8 and 9s do cooking, gardening – in our horticultural area – and learning about social thinking. It’s a pathway that helps get them Ready For Life, our Year 10 and 11 programme. It teaches them money management, travel training and how to be a functioning member of society, so that when they move on to their next college or wherever, they are prepared for the real world.”