The Neurodiversity Lecture Series #3

15 Jun 2023

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The Neurodiversity Lecture Series #3 – Nurturing Home-School Partnership and Parental Engagement


Christine Childs, Deputy Head of LVS Oxford discusses ‘Nurturing Home-School Partnership and Parental Engagement’ for the third Neurodiversity Lecture of the series.


What’s covered in this Lecture #3?

  1. Why is parental engagement so important?
  2. What do successful learners do?
  3. Conflict
  4. Nurturing the partnership
  5. Home school communication
  6. Routine communication
  7. Collaboration
  8. Places to learn
  9. Working with parents to support children’s learning
  10. Home school partnership
  11. Summary


What if I missed it?

No problem, catch up via our YouTube channel here.